Pet Medical Knowledge

  • 06,May,2024

Common sense pet medical knowledge

Common sense pet medical knowledge

1. About vaccines


1. It is recommended that the owner keep the newly bought puppy at home for more than 1-2 weeks before vaccination, and immunization can be carried out 21 days after the vaccination. If the puppy has been bathed at home, it can be vaccinated three days later. The puppy cannot be bathed during the vaccination (three injections), and can only be bathed one week after the entire vaccination is completed.

2. Vaccinations can be given during the treatment of skin diseases, but medications can only be taken at least 8 hours after vaccination. Corticosteroids should be discontinued for skin diseases during the vaccination period. If itching is severe, diphenhydramine can be used instead.

3. Deworming medicine can be used during the immunization period. Generally, if the injection is given on the same day, the medicine should be given on an empty stomach in the morning 7 days later, and then given after 2 hours. (It is best to deworm before immunization) It is recommended that minor dogs and cats be dewormed once a month, and adult dogs and cats be dewormed once every 1-3 months.

4. Cats: The first vaccination is at two months of age, with three injections every 21 days. Rabies can only be given at 4 months of age.Follow the doctor's advice during the vaccination period: It is recommended that puppies should be bathed at least one week after completing three vaccinations; limit outdoor activities and do not come into contact with other dogs; pay attention to diet during the vaccination period, avoid spicy food, avoid changing dog food, and avoid overfeeding; keep warm and avoid catching cold; and vaccinate on time.

5. After canine distemper and parvovirus are cured, the vaccine can be re-injected 21 days later.

6. Annual booster vaccination for adult dogs: If the dog is over a year old, it is recommended to give it one more shot; vaccination should be done one month in advance each year

2. About Surgery

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1. Come for a checkup on the third and seventh day after surgery. The stitches can be removed 10 to 14 days later.

2. The sterilization surgery for female dogs and cats should be performed before or one month after estrus to reduce the risk.

3. Dogs and cats will need at least 8 hours to recover from anesthesia after surgery.

4. Oral medications are prescribed for 5-7 days after minor surgery. For laparotomy, intravenous infusion is recommended for 3-5 days. For digestive tract surgery, fasting for 7 days and intravenous infusion is recommended. For orthopedic internal fixation surgery, intravenous infusion is required for 5-7 days after surgery. For bladder surgery, intravenous infusion is required for 5-7 days.

5. Do not feed seafood, fish, mutton and other foods that may cause wound inflammation after surgery.

6. Suitable period for sterilization: male dogs, 10-12 months of age; female dogs, 8-10 months of age; male cats, 6 months of age; female cats, 8 months of age.

7. Preoperative preparation – fasting and no drinking for 12 hours, blood test if necessary.

3. About Hospitalization

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1. Regarding hospitalization, check the baby's temperature every 2 hours, change the water every 4 hours, and feed him two meals a day.

2. The indwelling needle should be left in place for up to 7 days.

4. About the reception

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1. The cure rate for canine distemper is 10%, and for canine parvovirus is 30%.

2. The incubation period of canine distemper is 21 days, and the course of treatment is one month. Intestinal, respiratory, and neurological symptoms will appear in turn. The treatment time is long, and detoxification will continue for half a year after treatment.

3. The incubation period of canine parvovirus infection is 21 days, and the course of treatment is 5-7 days. Canine distemper and parvovirus may relapse after recovery. The course of the disease will worsen in the first few days (the first 3-4 days), and then gradually improve (5-7 days). If there is no improvement after 7 days or the condition worsens during treatment, it proves that other infections have occurred. Myocarditis-type parvovirus can cause sudden death even when the digestive tract symptoms are under control.

4. Deworming: Dogs start deworming at 1 month old, once a month. If adult worms are excreted, it is recommended to deworm again half a month. If no worms are excreted, it is recommended to deworm once a month. Cats start deworming at 2 months old, and the interval is the same as that of dogs.

It is recommended to feed on an empty stomach in the morning and start eating two hours after feeding. Deworming is not recommended during pregnancy of female dogs, and deworming should be started one month after giving birth.

5. Calcium supplementation: Large dogs should start taking calcium supplementation at 5 months of age, and small dogs should start taking calcium supplementation at 3 months of age. If the owner comes to buy calcium tablets in advance, he should be informed that if too much calcium is taken, the bone development will exceed the muscle development, which will cause joint diseases. Calcium supplementation should be strengthened for female dogs after giving birth.

6. Check-up for pregnant dogs: B-ultrasound takes about 28 days, and X-ray takes about 48 days.

7. The purpose of B-ultrasound fetal examination is to check the development of the fetus and whether there are any abnormalities. There is no way to determine the number of fetuses and the expected date of delivery.

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8. Dogs are classified by weight: small under 10kg, medium 10-20kg, large 20-40kg, and giant over 40kg. · In cases of vomiting, do not eat or drink for more than 12 hours.

9. Body temperature: puppies 38-39.5℃; adult dogs 37.5-39℃. Cats 38-39.5℃.

10. Dogs generally have more estrus in spring and autumn, which lasts for 15-30 days. They are easy to mate 9-13 days after estrus.

11. Tooth growth: Puppies start to grow teeth at around 22 days old, start to replace their teeth at 4-5 months old, and complete their replacement of teeth at 6 months old;

12. Contraceptive injections must be taken every month, and the contraceptive rate is not 100%. The best method is birth control. After the contraceptive injection is taken once a day for three consecutive days, there is a risk of heavy bleeding.

13. The gestation period for dogs is about 58-62 days, and for cats it is about 63 days.

14. Dogs have 28 deciduous teeth and 42 permanent teeth. Dogs have 7 cervical vertebrae, 13 thoracic vertebrae, 7 lumbar vertebrae, and 8-22 caudal vertebrae. The first 9 ribs of dogs are true ribs, and the last 4 ribs are false ribs.

15. The first year of adulthood for dogs and cats is 18 years old, and each additional year is equivalent to 7 years of human age. So a 7-year-old dog is equivalent to 60 years of human age.

16. Large dogs are more prone to hip dysplasia, and patellar luxation is common in small dogs.

17. It is recommended that elderly dogs have a physical examination every six months. The examination items include heart, lung function, liver and kidney function, etc.

5. About Beauty

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1. Cats should be showered every 6-12 months. Too frequent showering will change the pH value of their skin and cause a decrease in immunity.

2. Shower: Dogs should take a shower once a week in summer and once every half a month in winter; cats should take a shower once every six months.

3. Cut toenails/cut foot hair/shave belly hair: once every half a month.

4. Squeeze anal glands: 7 to 10 days/time;

5. Shave the lanugo: half a month after the immunization procedure.

6. Teeth cleaning: once every six months.

7. Brush your teeth: once in the morning and once in the evening, once a day.

8. After shaving, standard or short-haired dogs need 3-4 months to grow back; long-haired dogs need 18 months to grow back.

9. Ear cleaning: If there are lesions, clean 1 to 2 times a day. If it is mainly for care, clean once every 3 days or once every 7 days.

  • Contact :Aine Fan

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ADD:Xiaomeng Town Industrial Park, Yanzhou District,Jining, Shandong

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